CEOs Save Millions

Vetted by Forbes and Pepperdine University, we show corporations how to reduce health premiums by about $4,000 per employee or by $400,000 per 100 employees drastically adding newfound profits each and every year.

Greater Employee Retention

Lower costs for individual employees and, for employees that add their families a reduction of about $10,000 per year! It’s like giving employees a raise while choosing to increase corporate profits.

Protected by the 115th congress

Through the American Healthcare Act of 2017 companies and families now have greater choices, more providers and easier more understandable health plans than ever before establishing a win, win, win for everyone.

About Us

Less than 1/2 of a percent of all CEOs in America are involved in their second largest corporate expense, healthcare!

Due to the 2017 American Healthcare Act companies of all sizes can now see immediate profit gains and lower administration costs like never before in American history…

The 115th congress makes health plans quicker and easier for top executives and HR departments to explain and understand, eliminating confusing during portability without the need for COBRA.



Are no longer have the fear of using their plan because of the ease of use



Gain a greater peace of mind by no longer having to worry about unexpected medical expenses



Up to millions annually in reduced health insurance expenses for their employees

Health Insurance Premiums Continue to Increase

The Facts Have Changed

A 2016 victorious court fight against the Department of Health & Human Services in Washington D.C. caused an injunction to be lifted in 22 additional states giving CEO's control to offer Their Employees Exclusive plans that carriers have offered for over a 100 years. No more being in the dark and hoping if it’s covered. we help CEOs understand giving them power to help their employees while increasing profits for years into the future.

We've got your back

First in this Space Nationally

Due to antitrust laws we are poised and positioned to bring massive profits and peace of mind to companies and their employees.

Healthcare is Essential

In many countries it is left to the individual to gain access to healthcare goods and services by paying for them directly as out-of-pocket expenses. Our plans take care of this for you.

Health Access

In addition to a PPO Network with over 1.5 million providers, our plans offer access everywhere whether you’re in or out of the network. 

The Modern Concept

The Modern Concept of healthcare involves access to medical professionals from various fields as well as medical technology.

Surety Health Puts You & Advisors on the Same Team

We’ve made it easy to choose a plan for your health insurance. No insurance knowledge needed. And, we’re developing a community of individuals, companies, and advisors that is based on sharing information about saving premium dollars and how to use healthcare plans to keep more of their money and expenses down.

When the conversation is focused on what really matters- your goals – we think everyone wins. Forget the wondering, the comparing, and jargon that usually goes along with choosing a great healthcare plan. Now, you’ll have a Surety Health advisor and plan to kickstart your new savings, and extra discretionary income to save or invest for the future.


What Others are Saying

"“Mark is super helpful and made it very easy to get insurance. He explained everything very well and he’s always there to help. And compared to my last agent, Mark returns my calls and the last guy I had didn’t.”"

- Jamie S.

“I reached out to talk to someone about my best option for health insurance and was connected to John. Although I already had the best option for our family he reassured me that it was. He did not push or pressure and I am very appreciative of that. It’s also nice to talk to someone who has a great outlook on life and does the best for the person they’re helping!”

- Chris M.

“I reached out to talk to someone about my best option for health insurance and was connected to Sharon. Although I already had the best option for our family she reassured me that it was. She did not push or pressure and I am very appreciative of that. It’s also nice to talk to someone who has a great outlook on life and does the best for the person they’re helping!”

- Daria M.

Get on the list for early access today for increase, it may be exactly
what you need to take control of your finances.

How it works

Our Easy Work Process In 3 Steps


Choose a Plan

We offer easy to understand choices that are designed to save individuals, families and companies millions on premiums.


Speak With An Expert

We showcase how to build a better outcome to protect you and your loved ones while increasing incomes.


Set up is easy

A federally approved option that dramatically reduces health insurance costs with favorable tax advantages.

Inquire here to reduce your annual expenses by thousands per employee year after year
